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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.
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Van fixed, onwards and downwards (south that is) :)

Well the RAC did us proud, the warranty company were a complete waste of space (as expected to be honest) and we are back in business!

The Iveco agent replaced the big old aluminium casting which is the alternator and ancillaries support, belt tensioner and belt itself at, what we think is quite a reasonable cost, 360€. So it could have been a lot worse!

Anyway we retrieved to van and carried on with our travels stopping at the Aire at Benicassim for the night.



From there it was just a couple of hundred kms to our Spanish base where I can now settle down for a while and update the Club Motorhome website with all our new stopovers.

A trip to remember!

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Mooching around the Pyrenees
The best laid plans........

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