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A4 Flyer
 177.86 KB

An A4 size flyer to distribute or display with your name(s)/username added.

Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - Check your Junk folder!

Clicking that link in the email automatically activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever file your device is set to store downloads.

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your document - email me at and I'll get one for you...

A4 sheet of 8 business cards
 61.9 KB

Kindly uploaded by katmax

An A4 size sheet of 8 business cards to print and cut out.

Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - Check your Junk folder!

Clicking that link in the email automatically activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever file your device is set to store downloads.

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

The video relates to the Full Member's Windscreen Disc but the download process is the same for all our documents.

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your document - email me at and I'll get one for you...

A5 Flyers
 408.35 KB

Two A5 size flyers on an A4 sheet to distribute or display with your name(s)/username added.

Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - Check your Junk folder!

Clicking that link in the email automatically activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever file your device is set to store downloads.

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

The video relates to the Full Member's Windscreen Disc but the download process is the same for all our documents.

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your document - email me at and I'll get one for you...

CM Community Windscreen Disc HOT!
 352.76 KB

CM community Windscreen Disc. It's FREE to all!

Full Member Windscreen Disc

Our FREE windscreen disc that you can just pop in your windscreen. It also includes a QR code that will help people find our website.

1. Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - If you don't see it... please check your Junk folder!

2. Clicking that link in the email activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever folder your device is set to store downloads.

3. Then you can print it - make sure you select 'actual size' in your printer settings if you want it to fit an old tax disc holder but you can print at any size you like. If your print preview shows it spilling over the edge of your paper then just select 'Shrink Oversize Images' or such. Insert into a tax disc holder or similar and place in your windscreen.

Although standard printing paper gives acceptable results, photo paper is much better and doesn't fade!

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your disc - email me at and I'll get one for you...

Kindly uploaded by katmax

Business card 85mm x 55mm - this is the rea view in case you would like, or are able, to print double sided cards.

Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - Check your Junk folder!

Clicking that link in the email automatically activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever file your device is set to store downloads.

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

The video relates to the Full Member's Windscreen Disc but the download process is the same for all our documents.

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your document - email me at and I'll get one for you...

Single business card 85mm x 55mm
 541.1 KB

Kindly uploaded by katmax

Business card 85mm x 55mm

Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - Check your Junk folder!

Clicking that link in the email automatically activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever file your device is set to store downloads.

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

The video relates to the Full Member's Windscreen Disc but the download process is the same for all our documents.

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your document - email me at and I'll get one for you...

UK Stopovers Invitation
 377.95 KB

Invitation to potential motorhome friendly pub or other interesting location.

Just click the download button and you'll receive a download link to your email address - Check your Junk folder!

Clicking that link in the email automatically activates the download to your device. It will appear in whatever file your device is set to store downloads.

If you have any problem with the download process - this video demonstrates it to you...

The video relates to the Full Member's Windscreen Disc but the download process is the same for all our documents.

Finally, if you are an IOS user and you don't get your document - email me at and I'll get one for you...

ADVERT!! Full Members don't see these, click this link to hide them -
>>>Join or upgrade to Full Member<<<

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