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Subscription Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers

cm vouchers smlWe now have subscription gift vouchers available!

An absolutely ideal present for that motorhoming friend or family member.

They are available for Full Membership.

Prices are the same as the membership itself (£20).

How to buy them?

Just complete the form below and 'Submit your request'. I will then reply with a Paypal request for the amount for the voucher.

You don't pay until you receive this Paypal request.

On receipt of payment I send you a voucher via email with a coupon code on it. You could then print and put in an envelope to give as a present, or just forward it as an email to the person you would like to give the voucher to - it couldn't be easier.

How does it work?

To activate the voucher the recipient registers on Club Motorhome (or renews their existing subscription if already a member) they just enter that code in the coupon box when they select the new subscription, the payment is then taken care of automatically.

Please note: Subscription vouchers have no monetary value in themselves so are not refundable and can only be used once and within 12 months of issue. They can only be used to pay for a Club Motorhome subscription.

Please choose a voucher value

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