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  1.   Technology
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Flying a drone seems to fit nicely with travels in a motorhome. If you have a drone this is somewhere to talk to other like-minded members. Feel free to post your videos (you need to have them h...
Flying a drone seems to fit nicely with travels in a motorhome.

If you have a drone this is somewhere to talk to other like-minded members.

Feel free to post your videos (you need to have them hosted somewhere like on YouTube) and link to them on here.

Happy flying!
  1.   General
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Share your ideas and recipes for food on the go whilst motorhoming.

Doesn't have to be gourmet, just good food.
  1.   General
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Like the Scotland Group, I have set up this group as a resource and focal point for travelling information on Ireland Post videos, photos, and links, and any other useful info. That could include:-...
Like the Scotland Group, I have set up this group as a resource and focal point for travelling information on Ireland

Post videos, photos, and links, and any other useful info. That could include:-

Walks, Road trips ,Skiing, fishing, boating, whiskey trails events, etc etc.
  1.   General
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I have set up this group as a resource and focal point for travelling information on Scotland. Post videos, photos, and links, and any other useful info. That could include:- Walks, Road trips ,...
I have set up this group as a resource and focal point for travelling information on Scotland.

Post videos, photos, and links, and any other useful info. That could include:-

Walks, Road trips ,Skiing, fishing, boating, whiskey trails events, etc etc.
  1.   Vehicle
  2.    Public
A group for Club Motorhome members who are owners and/or enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes. Owners/enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes are welcome to post their comments, photos, experiences and tr...
A group for Club Motorhome members who are owners and/or enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes.

Owners/enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes are welcome to post their comments, photos, experiences and travels. No 'name and shame' type postings please as these would have to be deleted.

Our Group has no official connection to Carthago or any other members' clubs.
  1.   Vehicle
  2.    Public
Many of us will have had (and may still have) an interest in old cars whether they were 'classic' at the time or not. This group is for those who would like to share photos and memories and informa...
Many of us will have had (and may still have) an interest in old cars whether they were 'classic' at the time or not.

This group is for those who would like to share photos and memories and information for current owners/enthusiasts.
  1.   General
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A group for people who have children with them whilst away, my kids are 8 and 10 years old.
  1.   General
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This group is for everyone who takes a pet or pets with them when Motorhoming. The group wants to see your photos, and hear your pets adventures. Also any tips, gadgets and ideas to make your non hu...
This group is for everyone who takes a pet or pets with them when Motorhoming. The group wants to see your photos, and hear your pets adventures. Also any tips, gadgets and ideas to make your non human traveling companion happy. Happy pets, happy people!
  1.   General
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For people who are interested in boating, sailing, kayaking, water sports and more.
  1.   Vehicle
  2.    Public
For motorcycle enthusiasts of all sizes - the machines not the owners! :)
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