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Many of us will have had (and may still have) an interest in old cars whether they were 'classic' at the time or not. ...
Many of us will have had (and may still have) an interest in old cars whether they were 'classic' at the time or not.

This group is for those who would like to share photos and memories and information for current owners/enthusiasts.
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  •   Millie commented on this post about 4 years ago
    just finished doing a five speed gearbox conversion on my MGB GT from Higear engineering.Really nice improvement with better ratio spacing between 2nd and 3rd gear which was a weakness of the MG gearbox. Just a few strained muscles and joints as...
    just finished doing a five speed gearbox conversion on my MGB GT from Higear engineering.Really nice improvement with better ratio spacing between 2nd and 3rd gear which was a weakness of the MG gearbox. Just a few strained muscles and joints as did it alone on my driveway!!. While box and engine was out renewed all engine seals and gaskets and fitted a trophy stainless steel 3 branch full exhaust system which is just a bit noisy but nice. Got the 3 branch manifold ceramic coated to try and prevent any heat problems for the carbs. haven't toid the wife yet how much that cost! I'll take a few photos and post .
    Comments (2)
    • Would like to see some pics Nedloh01, I'd quite like a BGT as a fun/hobby car in the nearish future They seem pretty good value and good for sparesWould like to see some pics Nedloh01, I'd quite like a BGT as a fun/hobby car in the nearish future They seem pretty good value and good for spares if not so good for rust. Well done on the gearbox work   More ...
    • Cant wait see the photos
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