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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.
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Spring 2015 Trip

One week into our travels and today we have arrived in the Czech Republic.  We stopped in Belgium (just!) the first night, then on to Antwerp, where we spent a full day visiting the city.  We have been round the bypass – a worthy rival to the M25 as a car park - many times, so it was good to stop and see more.  We had obviously never looked at the maps properly before, as we didn’t appreciate just what an important port it is and always has been.  We approached it along the coast this time and it was strange to see large ships across a flat landscape with no port or coastal infrastructure to obscure the view or set the scene; unfortunately we were too slow with the camera to get a picture, but it will stay in our memories nonetheless.


  This place - ‘Deutches Eck’ [German Corner, we wonder how they thought the name up??!!] should be well known to river cruisers; it is the confluence of the Moselle and the Rhine.


 We visited a church which was interesting enough [we’ve been spoilt – it takes quite some church/cathedral to impress us now as we’ve seen a few!], but it did have an excellent example of something we saw a lot of while we were in Germany



An Oesterbaum – an Easter Tree.  Unlike most Brits we always have one up at Easter; this year we (the ‘royal we’ that is!) put ours up outside Sally when we away with our walking group at Easter.

 Our next stop was at Kitzengen am Main – a lovely stop by the river with excellent walking and cycling along the banks and through the old town.  We were fortunate to have an opportunity to do a bit of shopping while on our way out the next morning.



Frances ‘discovered’ Franken Wine when she lived in Germany and has not lost the taste for it!

 Then a stop at Arzberg near the Czech border; the post to the right of Sally holds the plug in for the free electric hook-up provided the municipality at the free stellplatz  Small wonder we like motorhoming abroad!



And today a short trip across the border to a campsite by a lake after a quick visit to Cheb to get fuel and money – 3000 krona – which is not a lot at 40 to the £1.



Tomorrow we are off to Prague, after an excellent meal in the little campsite restaurant, helped down with a proper Pilsner beer.



All good!!!

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Further East
Onwards to France

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