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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.
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Northern Romania

Travelling to the ‘far’ north, Marmures County rural land of tradition and (more!) churches.  The variety of Church Architecture goes on and on.  There are Greek Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Uniate, non- conformists and …., who’s churches have been influenced by everything from Gothic to Byzantine influences and everything in between.  A few more examples








 As well as early 21st century modernism influence on the re-roofing!



No Gothic I’m afraid there have only been a few, and they are too massive to be able to capture as we pass by!  

The countryside is beautiful - so green.  Haymaking is done in the traditional way – by hand.







We passed through here on Whitsunday – no-one was working in the fields.



We took a ride on a heritage railway – only this one is still working hauling logs, as well as providing enjoyment for people at the weekends.



And some ‘novelty’ rides with working cars and vans, but with their propshafts connected to the railway axles.



We stopped in the old railway yard (now nicely resurfaced) for a second night for just £6.50, which included use of the showers at the Express Hotel,



where we went for dinner in the evening the railway carriage.  We were only charged for one night “as you didn’t get here till late and we [the office] were shut, we’ll only charge you for the one night”.  It’s not hard to get to like this country!


Along the way we saw that almost every house has a seat outside, in the shade where possible.  Mostly, but not entirely, these seats are occupied by the elderly, and not just the men, as seems to be the case in so many societies.



Passing motorhomes can be a source of interest too!



And so, on to our stop for the night – a fairly typical Romanian campsite



Except that this one did have its own restaurant [or, more likely, the restaurant has its own campsite!]




Just right for a steak, chips and salad and a cold beer/wine to end the day.

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Cemeteries, Customs and Costumes
FRom the sea to the mountains

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