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Club Motorhome Bloggers

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Camping Aire in Dinan

We decided to try out the Camping Aire in Dinan on Friday night, which is situated under the viaduct.  We arrived around 6.30pm.  We thought that we would be the only one's there as it is April and out of season, but to our surprise it was nearly full, with only two spaces left.  It is Free to stay from 7pm until 9am.  The parking metre is a little difficult to understand and I had the help of about 20 french fellow campers assisting me.  The meter asks you to input 4 numeric digits of your number plate which of course in the UK we do not have.  In the end on the advise of my helpers we just added a few zeros.  It also stated it was 2.30 euros for 2 hours, but on putting in just 2 euros  we obtained a ticket for 4 hours.  

This is a superb little Aire, that is situated on the river at Dinan Port, there are no facilities here, but there are toilets a 5 minute walk on the way into town on the left hand side.

Dinan is a walled town and it is quite a steep walk up from the port along a cobbled street, where you walk through an archway into the walled town.  Lots of gallery shops, gift shops and restaurants within the cobbled street.  Some lovely old buildings.

At the very top it becomes quite a big town, with a variety of shops, patisseries, banks, gift shops, basically everything you would expect from a town.  

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Pontivy, Brittany
nous sommes arrivés en Cherbourg, Brittany

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