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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.
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Beside the river Drava in Slovenia

E got to Venice and spent a good 5 days 'doing the place.  I'm not putting any pictures on of Venice as you've seen all the photos and the Cannelletos, so what would my photos add.  We spent a day in Padua, then on to Trieste, this time staying opposite te yacht harbour, not under the viaduct with he rattling expansion plate as last time we went there.  We are now in Maribor, parked at a small restaurant by the river, having partaken of their excellent, and excellent value food earlier in the evening.  We have avoided the tolls, so no costs there, but when we get to Hungary I think it will be different!


This is Merano, the area of Venice where they make glass and have been doing so for hundreds of yearsb2ap3_thumbnail_P1060675-small.jpg


The Gorge de Verdon in Provence, France.  It's deep, long and wide - photos (mine anyway!) don't do it justice!

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Maribor and on into Hungary
Our home for the next 6 months

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