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I have had a few oldtimers over the years, the good two Bedford trucks, one a c that was the same as the s type ex afs, the one I still have which is an osbt o series short wheelbase tipper, I the bad a fiat x19 black 23k brilliant to drive but...
I have had a few oldtimers over the years, the good two Bedford trucks, one a c that was the same as the s type ex afs, the one I still have which is an osbt o series short wheelbase tipper, I the bad a fiat x19 black 23k brilliant to drive but the most unreliable car I have ever owned, glad to see the back of that and the ugly an army guy ant 15cwt truck I was sorry to see that one go but I think it went to a good home near the balloon hangers in Bedford, I am still failing to resize photos but now I have another reason to try again, these days the Bedford gets carried on a mercedes with our camper on tow behind, just planning the round of shows for this year including a trip over to Holland in august to a show at den helder, which is held on an old naval dock yard, a really nice show with really nice people, if you have the time come along, just put in historisch weekend den helder and all will be revealed, I used the club motorhome stop overs and found one on the actual site of the show, brilliant, and off at the start of march just with the camper for a tour down the French coast armed with the stopover down load. all the best for now and keep safe.
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