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TyrePal TC215B Caravan and Motorhome Tyre Pressure Monitor review

TyrePal TC215B Caravan and Motorhome Tyre Pressure Monitor review

We review TyrePal's TC215B Caravan and Motorhome Tyre Pressure Monitor.

Advertised Features

“The TC215B can monitor up to 22 wheels and displays the pressure and temperature of the tyres. When a trailer is connected, pushing a button establishes a wireless data link between the monitor and the trailer tyres.

Pressure alert levels can be set for each axle on the towing vehicle and a single setting for all the tyres on the trailer. The high temperature alert level applies to all tyres. Clear and distinct alerts are given for air loss, low pressure, high pressure and high temperature.

Warnings are also given if a sensor signal is lost, if a sensor battery is low, or when the monitor battery needs recharging.

To save battery power, both monitor and sensors automatically shut down when the vehicle is not is use. They reactivate as the vehicle is used.”

Current price: (January 2016) From £135 (2 sensor unit) - Available from TyrePal



Reading the comprehensive instruction booklet the installation process looks to be quite long winded with much button pressing on the monitor unit but in practice it’s very straightforward.

Firstly it’s important to have your tyre pressures correctly set to save disturbing the setup once in place, so remove all existing dustcaps and check and adjust pressures with the tyres cold.

Apply the little numbered stickers to the sensor tops and start by pressing the ’CODE’ button on the monitor until it beeps and the + or - buttons to make the display flash for the wheel position 1 and screw on sender labelled 1, allow the unit to recognise and register the sender to that position. Then it is just a matter of going to each wheel in sequence, pressing the relevant +/- button to make the display flash for that wheel, screw on the sender and allow the unit to recognise it and when they are all in place, press ’CODE’ to confirm it all.

Check each sensor for leaks and tighten each locking screw - there are 4 possible positions for the locking screw on each sender to make it easier to do this.

The monitor unit is preset with settings for over and under pressure as percentages so there is no need to change that unless you want to. Similarly there is a default over-temperature preset. All information on this is in the instruction booklet.

Although the unit can show up to 22 positions, once the senders are in place as above only the 6 registered show so the display becomes much clearer.

Mount or free-stand the monitor so that it can be viewed easily from the driving position.

That’s it.

I fitted this system to our 7.8 metre motorhome and there was no problem with the signal range to the sensors. Tyrepal do actually sell an optional range extender should it be required.

They can also supply additional sensors to add to the system, perhaps for use on a trailer or tow car for example.


TyrePal TC215B Caravan and Motorhome Tyre Pressure Monitor review

The monitor has a built in battery that is claimed to give around 60 hours use so it’s not essential to have it plugged into a 12V supply all the time, which is handy if your power socket is already in use with something else.

In order to preserve the battery life the unit sleeps when it doesn’t detect any movement of the vehicle. It ‘wakes up’ with any slight movement whereas the wheel sensors take a few hundred metres to all come to life.

Each tyre sensor has its own battery cell which should last around 2 years.

It is initially interesting to see how pressures and temperatures vary slightly depending on driving factors and weather conditions and it’s a novelty to keep an eye on the changes. Generally I found that pressures increased around 10/12%.

After a while though you become accustomed to its readings and you look at it less often - you know it will alert you if something is wrong.

Alerts also include warnings for low battery levels within the monitor or sensors and even the loss of a sensor.


TyrePal TC215B Caravan and Motorhome Tyre Pressure Monitor review - What's in the box

What's in the box?

Wheel sensors (6 with this test model)
Windscreen mount including dash top sucker disc
Free standing mount
Hard fixing mount
Spare wheel sensor securing screws
Charging lead
Allen key
Instruction booklet
Sensor battery removal tools

Our verdict

Great peace of mind and security of knowing that your vehicles’ tyres are performing within safety limits. The inbuilt pressure and temperature alarms do away with any concerns on long journeys, for example - of under inflation that could lead to a blowout etc.

Gadget or necessity? Both, and I’d highly recommend it!

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