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Spain Meet 2012


Motorhome meet in SpainMember C7KEN organised a superb motorhome meet at Denia in the Valencia Region of Spain in 2011 for another motorhome club. In 2012 he's organising a bigger and better (if that's possible) meet at either Denia or at Calpe at a new aire run by the same people.




Invitations have been extended to Club Motorhome members!




We (neilmac & caromac) attended the last event and can wholeheartedly recommend it :)


The Date: April 16th 2012
The Cost: 10 Euro per day on a Super Aire (LINK)




Ken is a superb organiser and has an extensive programme of things to keep all amused - these are optional though so you can dip in and out as you like...


Ken's plans so far include:


Local beach house

  • Bike rides - free loan from the aire if you don't have your own with you.
  • Bus and/or train trip (Benidorm in 2011)
  • Maybe a boat trip this time.(Ken has an idea!).
  • A paella day.
  • BBQ.
  • Sit down meal with live performers.
  • A quiz.
  • Boules (Petanca) tournament.
  • Ken also makes sure there is plenty to do in the surrounding area like a Market, Chinese Bazaar, Lidl, Bank, Post office.
  • The beach is less than 100 metres from the parking.



The cost is kept as low as possible so it's €10 per 24 hours for the site which is a super aire with washer, dryer. There is an 8 minute hot shower for €1 if required and all normal aire facilities, There is electricity and WiFi included in the price.


The young couple who run the aire are fantastic and are very willing to do anything to help. It is immaculate. If we do go to Denia in 2012 it will be larger than in 2011 and will have a shop for motorhomers and a mechanic for sorting problems. So although it does not have a pool and its own restaurant everything else is there and at less cost.


There is a campsite next door and the bar can be used there. April is generally too cold for the outside pool but there is a local Spa (walking distance).


So total cost for the week is €70 plus food and drink and of course your travel expenses. The organised meal in 2011 was €7.50 per head for 3 course incl one drink and the performer was also included in the price. Ken wants to improve this in 2012 so will need everyone to pay €10 as there will be two performers rather than just one.


If anyone would like to suggest something else Ken can do and its a good suggestion then Ken will do it.

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