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Having secured their tickets on Sunday 7th October 2012, Glastonbury Festival-goers will traditionally join the race to secure a motorhome, campervan, caravan or RV to hire for next June. Next year’s Glasto will clash with the British Grand Prix, meaning a shortage of motorhomes is likely.

Lorraine Dunabin of Landcruise Motorhome Hire, said, “There are never enough motorhomes for Glastonbury and those who are successful always have to pay a premium.

“In 2013, having the British Grand Prix and Glasto on the same weekend will mean festival-goers may be disappointed if they don’t book well in advance.”

The British Grand Prix was scheduled for a different weekend next year to avoid a clash with the Wimbledon Final, but by scheduling it on 29th/30th June, the organisers have created a problem for fans of each event.

Lorraine adds, “Glastonbury Festival is the biggest weekend for us, with Silverstone coming in a close second. Motorhome hire companies are always fully booked for both. A lot of fans for these two events are going to miss out.

“It has to be said that Glastonbury goers have traditionally booked their motorhomes much earlier in the year, but as soon as Formula 1 fans hear about the shortage, they will no doubt join the scramble.”

Motorhome Hire is a growing industry in Britain driven by the fact that more and more festival goers and event spectators want the luxury of their own toilet and shower and a comfortable bed to collapse into at the end of a long day of entertainment. More so since the average age of revellers is increasing.

“Major events do occasionally fall on the same weekend, but never have we seen a clash in schedules as big as this,” says Lorraine.

LandCruise Motorhome Hire is the largest motorhome hire company on the South Coast. Based in Chichester, West Sussex, LandCruise is conveniently located a couple of miles from the A27 giving easy access to Brighton, the New Forest, Dorset and The West Country. If you wish to travel to Europe, the ferries at Portsmouth are just 10 miles away. The company offers a range of luxury motorhomes for 2-6 people.

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