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Club Motorhome Bloggers

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Adventure before Dementia

So we are off tomorrow on our Scandinavia Baltic tour!!  After what seems a long wait for summer to arrive (has it?!) we are now all packed and ready to go.  Lots of lists have been made and jobs have been crossed off as they are completed, and now there is only one list left - the jobs to do before we lock the door tomorrow.

Sally (2) is well laden with clothes to cover every climate from cold and wet inside the Arctic Circle to the heat of a continental summer (well, you have to travel hopefully, don't you!).  And most of all, a considerable amount of food (very pleased to have the bigger fridge/freezer) as a hedge against the high prices in Scandinavia in general and the reportedly exhorbitant prices in Norway in particular.

Hopefully we've done our planning OK, and we're looking forward to our Scandinavia Baltic tour Smile

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