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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.

Hi all. I am Tom, my long suffering wife is Jenny, we have 2 children and are both self employed. 

Often we are 'weekend warriors' due to work and the kids, however we do try to get away most school holidays, we do 4 weeks every summer and the last couple of years have headed to Europe.

My parents also have a motorhome and have had one all my...

Hi all. I am Tom, my long suffering wife is Jenny, we have 2 children and are both self employed. 

Often we are 'weekend warriors' due to work and the kids, however we do try to get away most school holidays, we do 4 weeks every summer and the last couple of years have headed to Europe.

My parents also have a motorhome and have had one all my life, so I have been bought up with it, we don't use campsites because of the freedom that gives, we often go away with no exact destination in mind and change plans last minute to suit our whims!

I have also had boats all my life and have a RIB with my father and a kayak on the roof of the motorhome.

I have really enjoyed Club Motorhome and have arranged a few informal meet ups and will try to do more.

 Neil and Caro are great people, we have not met in person yet but I'm sure we will one day.


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We are Spinner & Mrs Spinner and have been visiting Europe ever since we first met over 40 years ago. Since retirement we try to spend around six months of the year travelling Europe in what is now our fourteen year old motorhome.  We don’t have a name for the van neither do we have a dog, although the opportunity to ‘adopt’ over the years has...

We are Spinner & Mrs Spinner and have been visiting Europe ever since we first met over 40 years ago. Since retirement we try to spend around six months of the year travelling Europe in what is now our fourteen year old motorhome.  We don’t have a name for the van neither do we have a dog, although the opportunity to ‘adopt’ over the years has been tempting!  Our MH is eight metres long and is a tandem axle and we have no intention of downsizing or even changing, despite the current fashion promoted by the dealers.   Like Jack Kerouac, for us, motorhoming is about the journey not the destination. The quest for fulfilment before the sun goes down perhaps! Aires and wild/free sites, call it what you like, are our preferred choice but also enjoy a campsite now and then. So whether you have a small campervan or a large motorhome, kids, dogs or whatever, it doesn’t matter. If your idea of life on the road is the same as ours then come and have a beer, just look out for Spinner on the Club Motorhome Windscreen disc.

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WAUNWYLLT has not set their biography yet I live just outside the small Welsh town of Llanelli, South Wales and own a Chausson Welcome 75 Motorhome. My husband and myself purchased this vehicle brand new September 2009, but sadly he passed away suddenly August 2010. I continue to use the van and sometimes my girlfriends join me for local...
WAUNWYLLT has not set their biography yet I live just outside the small Welsh town of Llanelli, South Wales and own a Chausson Welcome 75 Motorhome. My husband and myself purchased this vehicle brand new September 2009, but sadly he passed away suddenly August 2010. I continue to use the van and sometimes my girlfriends join me for local weekends away and we have had some fun using her.
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We are Edward and Frances, motorhoming in Sally. We had Sally I, an Autotrail, for five years and have now had Sally II, an Autosleeper for 18 months, so we consider ourselves reasonably experienced motorhomers by now. We spend several months each year travelling in Europe, and (5-day!) weekends in England walking with a group of like-minded...
We are Edward and Frances, motorhoming in Sally. We had Sally I, an Autotrail, for five years and have now had Sally II, an Autosleeper for 18 months, so we consider ourselves reasonably experienced motorhomers by now. We spend several months each year travelling in Europe, and (5-day!) weekends in England walking with a group of like-minded folk through central southern England. About 1/3 of our life is spent in the motorhome. We only use campsites occasionally, preferring to stop and go in accordance with a general plan which is there to be changed according to whim and what happens on the day.
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NEILMAC and wife caromac have spent roughly half of each year travelling in their motorhome.
2011 saw an addition to their family, a Spanish stray dog called Digger.
2014 saw a change of motorhome and then following storm damage in 2018 another change of motorhome downsizing to a PVC.

In 2020 our lovely Digger passed away so we are going to be...

NEILMAC and wife caromac have spent roughly half of each year travelling in their motorhome.
2011 saw an addition to their family, a Spanish stray dog called Digger.
2014 saw a change of motorhome and then following storm damage in 2018 another change of motorhome downsizing to a PVC.

In 2020 our lovely Digger passed away so we are going to be travelling as just the two of us in future.....

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admin is the system identity for the website development of Club Motorhome. Any postings are carried out by neilmac.
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