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  Tuesday, 14 March 2017
  10 Replies
  6.9K Visits
Hi everyone!

I work in the film industry (in the not so glamorous Special Effects end of it!). We start early (7am) and finish late (7pm) and although the commute to work would only take an hour, the journey home was typically 3 to 5h - which didn't leave much time for sleeping in-between. I decided a camper van could be the answer!

I figured that if the 'stars' could stay in trailers in the car park - nobody would mind me! I bought a cheap & cheerful converted Vito Van - which was essentially just insulated with an Eberspacher heater and a Rock'n'Roll bed in the back. Very basic and the bed was uncomfortable - but often I was so tired, I could sleep standing up!

In the late summer it was fine - and I went un-noticed. When the weather got colder I used the Eberspacher Heater which in the dead of night sounded like Concorde taking off! Not only did this wake me up - but also attracted security! They promptly moved me on! I decided then I would build my own 'stealth' camper. Something much nicer on the inside - but looking like any other van on the outside. Well enough insulated that I could be comfortable at -20C and with a silent heater just to make sure.

I bought a 2010 Vauxhall Movano with very low mileage - and had it lined, insulated (100mm thick) and carpeted by SpeedyWindscreens in Portsmouth. They did a fantastic job! Prior to that I put in all the wiring I thought I'd need inside 1" flexible conduit such that if I needed to change the wiring at any stage, I could just pull a new wire through without disturbing any of the lining. They put in a single dark tinted window in the driver side and made me a thick insulated plug to block the window on the inside - so I could make it completely light tight.

i drew the interior using Solidworks CAD and got a local CNC Woodcutting company to make me the 'kitchen' units to my design.

I decided I wanted a comfortable bed! This was the single most important feature. Our bed at home is comfortable - so I decided that's what I'd like. How do you fit it in a SWB van and still have room to swing a cat. The answer was to make a drop down bed. I constructed a steel frame supporting Ikea bed slats with the mattress on top and suspended this from the ceiling on cables. The bed is moved up & down by a single electric actuator (the kind of thing you'd use to lift a TV). In the down position it sits on steel legs at one end and at the other, a step ladder and the kitchen work top. It works really well! Just as comfortable as sleeping at home.

For heating I bought a Propex Gas Heater. Although Gas is inconvenient, I needed it for the cooker anyway. It's not totally silent - but not far off (and doesn't wake me up).

Since I was going to be spending a lot of evenings sitting in it, I also wanted a comfortable seat. Like comfortable beds, these seem rare in campers! After a lot of searching and sitting, I had an idea. I have an old Range Rover Sport and the seats are very comfortable (and heated!) - why not use a RRS rear seat? eBay and £100 later, I had a black leather heated rear seat. I made steel pylons to mount it to the floor (actually to the vehicle chassis) and had the CNC company make me a box surround that would let me use the under-seat storage. There is just enough room behind for my folding bike and a couple of folding chairs - and the other rubbish you inevitably collect.

I fitted a 1kW Sine wave inverter, plenty of USB charge sockets. In the Vito, I always had 'power anxiety' If I left the lights etc on too much in the evening, would there be enough power to fire up the heater in the morning? To solve this, I have a 250Ah battery (the biggest leisure battery I could find) with a split charge, battery low voltage protector, 100W Solar panel on the roof and a 20A CTek charger - maybe OTT but I don't need to worry about power an more!

My favourite custom feature is Bluetooth Audio. I embedded two 5" Alpine speakers in the walls on either side of the rear seat so you don't have to have the audio turned up loud to hear it (stealth, remember!). They are wired to one of these modules:

I can connect my phone / PC or the TV to it - again it works really well! The Audio quality is good and my phone is a convenient way to control it.

So far, since I finished it in August, I've spent 28 nights in it - and absolutely love it!

The only problem I've had with it is that because outwardly it just looks like a van, save for the side window, a lot of sites are a bit sniffy about it! I've been refused entry to four so far. It seems odd to me when half the vans on their site have seen better days - but if those are their rules! One day, I'll get some magnetic camper van style graphics to stick on the outside to make it look the part. In the mean time, I can usually find a car park or industrial estate to stay.

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7 years ago
I am surprised you have been turned away from sites ... I have seen home conversion vans on lots of sites and some of them looked like a child had let loose with the meccano set :D
Love the bed idea ... and those chairs do look comfy ... for me the only thing that put me off most van conversions is no loo ;) ... the last thing I want to do either last thing at night or first thing in the morning is to traipse across a field to fine a loo ... My rally days are well behind me :D
I think you should be proud of your van it is unique, looks good, does all you want it to and that is the main thing :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

7 years ago
They were all Caravan Club sites - two in the Slough area.

The problem with having a loo is the van ends up smelling of Elsan! (OK, I know there are other options such as a composting toilet). I think the next one is going to have a novel bathroom. You know the concertina plastic tunnels you sometimes see in movies? I figure you could have something like that which extends out of one wall. The loo and the sink fold out of the wall and the enclosed space be used as a shower room. When you're done, it folds almost flat against the wall - so you don't end up with the compromise between a tiny bathroom & a tiny living space.

In the mean time, we have a 'bog-in-a-bag' for emergencies!

7 years ago
The "Bathroom" in the Duetto tries to make it's self bigger by the door opeinng out and fixing across the worktop opposite, so you have somewhere to put you clean clothes and a dressing space ... the sink folds up and a shower curtain keeps the water in the shower so not too much wiping down to do ... plus the two plugholes in the shower base means you don't have to worry if which way the van leans ...
A slide out bathroom sounds good ... a mini winnebago

Love this just needs an engine ... :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

7 years ago
All club sites have stupid rules, in my opinion, you can write to the caravan club with pictures and ask for permission for your 'conversion' to be approved for site use.
But if you don't have what they class as a proper toilet or washing facilities, you have to put a tent up for changing clothes and to wash in too!!

As for the eberspacher or the propex heating exhausts, we always put an exhaust silencer off of the karts we used to race on the end of the pipe underneath the van, it just fitted on with jubilee clip. I don't ever remember hearing either of the systems and we had one of each!

I usually always find a car park, layby or industrial estate to stay in, I prefer them to sites most of the time.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
I have never come across any such rules ... I had a old Commer Caravanette and used Caravan club sites ... that did not have a toilet ... it did have a sink so we could wash as such ... maybe you were just unlucky or I was lucky ... cannot answer that

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

7 years ago
It might be the C&CC that has the tent rule but just about the same thing, almost! :D
But either don't really like anything other than factory built vehicles it seems.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
It might be the C&CC that has the tent rule but just about the same thing, almost! :D
But either don't really like anything other than factory built vehicles it seems.

Some CL's and CS's may have their own rules ... they after all not owned by the clubs ... so I suppose the clubs cannot tell them who they can or cannot allow, well within reason ... as I have not come across this kind of discrimination I cannot say ... the only thing we ever had happen was with our very first caravan ... which had seen better days ... A site we stopped on the other "Members" were very snobby and all 4 vans were on holiday together ... they made it clear they thought their vans would catch rot from ours ... it was very funny ... we stayed an extra night just to pee them off even more :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

7 years ago
The CL and CS sites are fine, its the larger club sites that are worst, snobby is the right word, well they used to be anyway.
I'm using a CL site in about a months time and really looking forward to it, but its a small laid back site with great owners and a lovely place to be. How it should be!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
Never used any of either clubs "Big site" ... they have too many children for me :D
I tend to use adult only CL's and CS's so perhaps that is why I have not encountered any discrimination ...

Glad you have found a site you like ... enjoy your break :)

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

7 years ago
Would one of you do me a favour?

I've had magnetic graphics produced to 'transform' my van from commercial to camper. However - it's not quite there.
The side with the window looks pretty convincing but the other side and back just look like a white van with some stripes stuck on.

I'd like to get some magnetic 'windows' printed. I need a photograph of a typical back window with a blind or screen. I'll get a couple of these printed on vinyl with magnetic backing for the side & back. I think it could look quite good at a distance!

The picture of the back with a 'window' is what I'm trying to achieve but I cannot find a photo that is both high resolution and square on to the window. This was the closest I could find.

Thanks in advance,

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