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  Saturday, 03 December 2016
  4 Replies
  5.3K Visits
I was always taught that one should learn the lessons of history, the famous Sun Tszu also taught this, especially in government.

The Indian Rebellion of 1875.

The new 5 pound note.

Does make you wonder at the viability of our masters.

Just something to ponder over a glass of wine.

Maybe the education minister should also look to his laurels. :) :)
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I see where you are coming from but fivers rarely stay in my wallet long enough to become friends and I don't have any inclination to taste or bite them. I do have a great love and respect for all animals and some love and respect for a few humans but as far as I know we are the only species thst burden ourselves with religion. It has got us into some awful pickles.
Thanks for reminding us though.

Has freedom to travel

8 years ago

During my time as a turner/fitter we often used tallow to lubricate the 'dead centre' when precision turning.

I can still smell it!! :o

I would imagine it is still wildly used in many manufacturing processes today. As I understand it the content is 'trace'

It is issues like this that makes me want to get away in the MH to those wild and out of the way places where people are few and far between, or am I just getting old?



The argument seems to be about handling this note. A vegan was on the telly this morning saying he may get one out of the cash machine. Hmmm, I cannot begin to imagine how many items we all touch that have been touched by others with who knows what residues left behind on money. It forms a solid argument for washing your hands. I am a meat eater and have done my share of butchering both domestic and wild animals and fish for food. Maybe those concerned about cows should look at what the modern mahouts do to eliphants to break their spirit in order to save us tourists walking up the hilto the Red Fort or what the Bear trainers do the bears to get them to dance out on their hind legs in front of coach loads of tourists visiting the Taj Mahal. These creatures live a living hell all of their lives.
When we used to get the jiblets bag inside the chicken many were squemish about putting their fingers into the carcass to remove it.
Anyway the cow only became revered in India because it was such a useful animal.

Has freedom to travel

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