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  Friday, 19 August 2016
  10 Replies
  6.5K Visits
So guys and girls, it’s nearly the end of the show season, and if you’re anything like us you’ll be running low on all important cleaning supplies. But do not fear, as it is time for another Flux giveaway!!!!

The Prizes

Our friends at Meguiars have been kind enough to provide us with some fantastic prizes, so lets have a look at what’s up for grabs:

3rd Place

It’s time to shine with Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax Kit, including Ultimate Wax, Microfibre Towel and Soft Foam Applicator Pad.

2nd Place

You’ll have the car shining in no time with Meguiars New Car Kit, which includes Ultimate Wash and Wax, Ultimate Liquid Wax, Endurance Tire Gel, Microfibre Wash Mitt, Microfibre Drying Towel and 2 Soft Foam Applicator Pads.

1st Place

Sundays will never be the same again with this ultimate Meguiars bundle. Consisting of Gold Class Shampoo and Conditioner, Gold Class Quik Wax, Ultimate Wash and Wax, Ultimate Wash and Wax Anywhere Gel, Endurance Tyre Gel, Perfect Clarity Glass Cleaner, All Purpose Cleaner, Water Magnet Drying Towel, Microfibre Wash Mitt and a handy Kit Bag to keep it all in. Surely this is the ultimate Mequiars collection with over £120 worth of products!

How do I enter?

All you need to do to enter is reply in the comments below mentioning what shows you’ve been to this year, and what was your favourite and why. Easy as that!

Did You Know?

As well as providing high quality car care products, Meguiars also hold FREE detailing seminars for Owners Club and Forums at their Northampton HQ which includes:

• A 45 minute presentation of "Best Practice" in the Training Room. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and hopefully dispel a few myths.
• An hour or so working on a visitor's car in their Detailing Bay to demonstrate products and techniques and give visitors an opportunity to try for themselves.
• A pack of sachet samples for every visitor to take away.
Or if you prefer, they’ll come and give a LIVE demo at your AGM or annual meet.

If you’re interested in these days or would like more information please call Meguiars on 0870 241 6696 and ask for Dale or email him direct

Terms and Conditions

1 entry per person per forum/facebook group. All entries must be submitted before 12pm (midnight) August 26th. The winner(s) will be randomly selected from all entries on all participating forums and Facebook groups. General terms can be found here:
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8 years ago
I visited the Malvern Motorhome show because it is my favourite. As well as the location and excellent displays I like the country & western music entertainment at night.
8 years ago
I haven't been to any shows this year.
Last went to the Newbury show about 3 years ago for the day with a list of things I wanted to buy, couldn't find any of them, the whole show was a big disappointment with nothing to offer unless to want to buy a brand new van. It took less than 2 hours to walk round the whole show.
So I haven't bothered since! :(

Even though I'm told the shows have improved this year.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
We have only been to one show this year and that was because it's only 5 miles away from home. Worst show we have been to with virtually no exibitors. I guess I don't stand much chance of winning the competition!!:(
8 years ago
We have only been to one show this year and that was because it's only 5 miles away from home. Worst show we have been to with virtually no exibitors. I guess I don't stand much chance of winning the competition!!:(

Funny you should say that Soldier, the Newbury show is only 5 minutes up the road from me, maybe we should avoid all local shows! :D
But I have been told since that there was another show on the same date as the one I went to, so I assume most exhibitors went there instead.
I hope they now are better at scheduling the shows these days!

I remember going to the Bath and West showground when I was a kid and spending all day there until dark!

But back to the thread competition, I'm sure the prizes will be gratefully received by the winners.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
We have been to the Warners shows at Peterborough, Newbury and Norwich this year, plus we will be going to the season finale at Lincoln.

We go mostly to meet up with friends and socialise, we always enjoy the evening entertainment which we think is great. We also go on the Warners coach trips to places as exotic as Great Yarmouth :)

Of course we also look at the vans and accessories but the show itself is not the main reason we go.

8 years ago
Oops we haven't been to any shows this year! But there's still time. However we did go the the Bristol balloon fiesta and joined in our first rally. With the Motorcaravanners club. Fantastic camping spot with the balloons lifting off over our field. Great to meet new people such a friendly lot.
8 years ago
We went to Stafford and Norwich. Of the two Norwich was way ahead. The camping the weather, location and of course Norwich is my home town :D
8 years ago
I visited Driffield Show this year a great day and lots to see.
We just do the NEC shows, not that we are in for a replacement camper but for the accessory stalls where there are great demos and often discounts.

Has freedom to travel

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