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  Sunday, 17 July 2016
  8 Replies
  3.7K Visits
Hi everyone. I joined awhile ago but I'm sorry to say I have been A W O L ever since!
We are Pete and Les Penfold. Pensioners and not related to mice or cartoons! We live near Wells in lovely Somerset. We are not spogs at this motorhoming lark having enjoyed "chugging" for about 14 years and "tugging" for decades before that, however we never stop learning, so help, advice and tips are always welcome! I might even have a few to offer....
"Elle" is our charabanc, a very faithfully and much loved Swift Gazelle F61. She was born at the turn of the century and we have had her for 12 years. Like all teenagers, she is costing us more to run these days but she looks good and goes well for her age.
We love travelling around, both here and abroad and look forward to using Club Motorhome and perhaps making new friends and aquaintances.:D :p
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8 years ago
Hi - I have just joined and am based in North Wales - had Bunty for two weeks - she is a Renault Trafic and Im just getting to grips with her.
8 years ago
Helloooooooo! :D

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Our 'house' base is in a small Spanish village in the foothills of mountains just inland from the Med, below Valencia and above Alicante. That's for about half of each year.

The other half, as you've probably gathered, we tour other parts within Europe and some time in the UK when we get to catch up with friends and family including 7 grandchildren.

Our touring is very much based around research for CM.

As the saying goes It's a tough job but... :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
Hi Neil. Perhaps..! I'm still finding my way about. Incidently, when not in your van, where are you based?...Just being nosey! :D
8 years ago
I'd like to have seen more replies too :(

I do think it takes a little while for some to settle in to the new features and find their way around....

It'll be great if members just jump in and say Hi! To new members as they join on the timeline (Your Page) if not the forums but hopefully with time :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
Thanks for the reply Neil, I must admit it would have been nice to get a few more replies, one way to find out who else is in the club ( so to speak!). Seems very quiet, perhaps everyone is enjoying their holidays :D ;)
8 years ago
Hi Pete, Les and Elle.

Great to hear from you and I hope you enjoy your time on the site :D

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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