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  Friday, 03 June 2016
  11 Replies
  5.7K Visits
Having not lived in England for 14 years I am out of touch with the current situation, so don't shoot me down if the following is the norm:
Here in Spain we have an emergency contact system that is very simple. In the event of an accident etc. the emergency services will use your mobile phone to find your next of kin or whoever is listed under AA on your phone i.e. in my case it is AA Jackie. obviously listing the AA would be problematic, but that doesn't apply here because breakdowns are covered by your insurance company.

With many motorhomers spending extended time here it occurred to me that this simple method may come in useful in the event of something unfortunate happening,and by adopting the Spanish system even temporarily while on holiday,may be helpful, hopefully just for peace of mind.
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8 years ago
Thanks for the info.
I have never heard of the 112 system, but I would advise people not to ever rely on the police to respond when needed.
They simply dont.
Well not in my personal experience anyway.

I have wild camped all my life and never had a problem here in the UK, so not needed to call them whilst in the motorhome.
I hope this continues for me and the rest of you too.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Also this system is for use in areas with limited signal as a txt will more often than not send where a speech signal will not respond. The txt is sent on a different wave band to speech. As it is 112 then all signal carriers must take the signal regardless of the original if say you're on O2 then all others must give priority space.
8 years ago
I was aware of 112 number ... but thought it was for deaf and speech limited users ... so never bothered to pursue it ... several of my friends who are from the deaf community are registered
I suppose there could be a time when you have a signal but could not speak and need emergency assistance

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
Hello everyone how many out there are aware of this.

"Help Me" The Secrets of using 112 on a mobile phone in an emergency/accident.

look for this on youtube, what a revelation.

In Britain text register to 112, you will then replied to by txt from 999, all you do then is accept the terms and conditions and your phone is then registered to the emergency services on 112 which as we all know is a considerable number. Please spread this around Scouts Duke of Edinburgh scheme. or wild campers. You never know.
8 years ago
Graham and Jane, my posting was to highlight the system used in Spain, and it seems that is the case in Portugal too,the idea is that it gives an extra level of security for visitors. There is little possibility that any emergency personel in Spain will know of the ICE system, good though it undoubtedly is, its usefulness is only pertinent to UK responders. So for travellers to the peninsular the AA system would be the most apt whilst in Spain.

Obviously for visitors from Spain to the UK it would make sense to adopt the ICE system for the duration of their visit....which all goes to prove that Europe is not so joined up as many people think.
8 years ago
I can assure you that having friends in uk emergency services, if in the event of an accident they will search for the ICE contacts starting with the first name perhaps it should be ICE 1,2, etc so they know who you would like contacted 1st in an emergency. This works in Scotland so I assume the rest of uk.
8 years ago
Good Idea think I'll do that on my phone right now,thanks :thumbs:

Pete and jan

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