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  Tuesday, 02 February 2016
  7 Replies
  2.8K Visits
Thought I should say a proper hello.
We have done a fair bit of motorhoming the last few years. We are a couple with 2 young daughters (and a dog) so working around having babies and toddler in the van has been an education in itself but also a bonus having everything on hand wherever we go... clothes, food, bed, potty etc lol

My husband and I have both been travellers and aren't about to let having kids change that so we've just adapted things slightly and plan to homeschool and educate by land or sea at every possible opportunity.

We are currently on a South Coast UK winter road trip, we've never done Cornwall so thought winter would be the best time to try while work and tourism is quieter and the trip has just grown from there.

We have an old Talbot Autoquest 320 slightly modified inside to fit a travel cot and baby hammock. She's old but a great van and has done us proud so far.
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8 years ago
Hi and welcome.

What a fantastic start for the young ones. I am sure they will benefit from all of the new and changing environments that they will be exposed to. Travel is a great educator and I really admire your intentions.

We were in Cornwall a couple of years ago and it is lovely. The weather can be a bit challenging down there but when the sun shines it is wonderful.

Happy travels - Caromac
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