Friday, 23 October 2015
  4 Replies
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Just wondering if any one else is the same as us and go away with the family, would be good to find some like minded people in the same position.

We have 2 kids aged 6 and 8, based near Newbury in Berkshire.

I occasionally get away on my own or with one of the kids but usually its the 4 of us.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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8 years ago
Hi Pods,
Your not 'odd' at all.
I leave my mobile phone at home when we go away, we don't even own an ipad or tablets etc. We have 1 lap top and 1 television in the house at home and that's it!
The television rarely goes on in the MH and then its usually me who puts it on for match of the day or the Formula 1.
I can only remember the kids watching a dvd once this year, it was sat in the ferry que in France at 11pm waiting to load up, but again I suggested it!

As for being insular, we are the same too, 98% of the time we 'wild' and I rarely stay in the same spot if anyone else is parked up, so we don't chat to many either. It is about the time together for us too.
However I remember going down the coast with my parents, most weekends in there motorhome and meeting up with the same 4 or 5 families regularly and it was great fun, seems a shame my kids are stuck with just me to play with! :p

Mind you we went to France for 25 days in the summer and they had a great time playing with kids from lots of different countries, which was nice.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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