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  Monday, 27 July 2015
  17 Replies
  5.7K Visits
Morning all .

According to daughters we are having a mid life crisis,We have brought a puppy Springier Spaniel ,he is now 18 weeks and has had three weekends away in van with no problem apart from English weather.We will probably get him a passport and take him over water.But at moment will try out UK ,does anyone out there find The Camping and Caravan club or Caravan Club better than the other for choice of sites .
Also Neil you might know is there a define list of vets abroad probably in France would be best please. :ohmy:
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8 years ago
Good morning Frank - nothing wrong with a good old mid-life crisis! :silly:

Can't help with advice on which club but maybe with the vets. This is a Google Map of French vets, I don't know how up-to-date it is or how accurate but you may find it useful. Google Maps of European Vets

Even without the map or a list though it's very easy to find a vet in France, pretty well all towns and decent sized villages have one or more. As a dog owner you will spot them everywhere on your travels.

And now that the Pet Passport rules give a much larger window of travel (1-5 days) you don't need to leave it until you are near to a port to find one.

Officially a vet needs to examine the dog and apply its worming treatment and stamp its passport - always worth checking they stamp the correct time and date! Can be awkward when you get to passport control to find they wrote incorrect details down :pinch:

Looking forward to seeing photos of your new addition.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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