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  Thursday, 08 May 2014
  2 Replies
  3.8K Visits
Hi. My name is Mike Croxall and with my wife Angela and daughter Justine live close to Malestroit in the Morbihan, Brittany. We have been in France for 8 years and have recently sold our business and now retired.

We had to sell our 4x4 and big twin axle Lunar Lexon back in 2007 to help start the business but have now just bought a 2001 Hymermobil BR599 from a lovely English gentleman who lives in the Cotes D Armor. At 81 and widowed a few years ago he no long felt the urge to go travelling. Luckily we have no such problems.

Just completed our first trip which was supposed to be a leisurely trip to the Vendee to familiarise ourselves with the van and get used
to joining in the French camping car experience.

However it was a holiday weekend and the Isle de Noirmoutier and the vendee beaches were packed. We headed inland a bit and stayed at Fontenay le Comte with a view to heading for the Dordogne. By the time we arrived there it was raining so after brief overnight stop headed down to south of Perpignan where the sun was shining. Spent three days in and around the border with trip to Spain to stock up at Lidl!!

Stopped at Prades upin the Pyrenees Orientales and then the following day drove up through Andorra and onto the Haut Garonne. Stopped at Marciac in Gers to find camping car aire being rebuilt. Tourist Offgfice said for time being it was OK to stop by the lake. Oh what a hardship. But it was raining again so headed for Arachon oly to find gales blowing in from Atlantic soafter lunch drove back home with massive sidewind for 6 hours.

Still everying was really enjoyable despite planning to do many more miles than anticipated.

Going up to St Malo next to spend couple of days around the Baie Mont St Michel and now planning a trip for June before the hols start. Staying home during July/Aug as nightmare travelling here during summer. Plan to spend winter in South of Spain or Portugal so any infor abouit cjeap places to say much appreciated.

If anyone needs any info about where to go in France just ask as we have travelled quite extensively and more than happy to impart info.

We have a lovely small campsite in our village at St Congard which is right on the Nantes Brest canal. It is open from mid June to Mid Sept and v reasonable. Also the bar tabac in the village has also reopened so drinkies are possible.

Look forward to taking part in this site and talking to more of you in due course
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8 years ago
:welcome4: my nav and I, like all the others on this site, wish you well and welcome . We have just returned from a trip into and around your area. Its beautiful. Port Louis stands out. So much so we have a 21 day slot which we may turn right out of Calais instead of left.
Stay safe and have many good journey's.
regards. kontiki645. hastings, east sussex.
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