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  Sunday, 16 February 2014
  1 Replies
  3.4K Visits
What bit(s) of your MH niggle you? Would you like to see them improved? Maybe the manufacturers will take note (Ha, right!). In "blind" anticipation, I'll start the ball rolling :-)

The 2008 Aviano has those very flimsy blind/fly screens which "piggy-back" on each other - like those found on several makes. They keep going bioing and coming out of their runners. I'd much prefer to see the more positive and robust separate concertina pull-up blind and pull down fly screen which meet in the middle.

It also lacks an igniter incorporated into the gas hob and lacks an additional electric hob ring - v useful when on EHU.

Anyone else find anything niggly?
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I guess that many things would improve if the target audience for the motorhomes were asked by manufacturers what they want. I know it is all a compromise in terms of how people use the van but a few surveys with modest prizes would help to create the image that someone cares.
They also have the knowledge from faults, problems and leaks to build out the previous problems but model after model turn out with leaks. If this was not the case there would not be so much emphasis on damp testing on the Habitation service and trade ins.
For me a few bits of trunking with draw strings in them would make the addition of Sat TVs, Solar Panels, extra LED lights, alarm systems, extra Power sockets both 12v and mains, so much easier and cheaper.

Has freedom to travel

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