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  Sunday, 09 February 2014
  3 Replies
  1.5K Visits
Hi everyone we are coming to this motorhoming lark late, never had a caravan or campervan before. Said we would never ever buy a motorhome so last October we bought one!!!! I know, why? you ask, well as retirees and with friends with motorhomes having good times in them, they finally wore us down so to speak. Have bought a Globecar Trendscout, 1 year old have;nt got a name for her yet. Have only had a weekend away so far last November, yes, I know only a weekend but as we were'nt going to buy one we had already arranged to over winter in Spain. So before you doze off, long story fairly short we are returning to UK soon to rev up our new van and set off tootling around well anywhere the mood takes us, really looking forward to getting out and about. :woohoo:
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8 years ago
:welcome4: I'm sure you'll have great times in your motorhome! If there should be anything your friends can't answer, it's almost certain someone on here can.
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