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  Sunday, 17 November 2013
  3 Replies
  1.9K Visits
Hi all just a thought.As this site is visited by I assume people who want to take up motor homing, looking to see whats what, what to buy and where to go and generally finding some real solid advice from the members, but there is one area that never seems to be mentioned or written up in any mag and that is the subject of what 'could it cost us'? The annual fees covering ins, mot's, servicing, storage, wear and tear on tires, setting up with the crocks and cutlery etc.
I understand that there are variants like how long is a piece of string, but I wonder if there is any mileage in us giving a figure that reflects what we spend, so that those who want to follow get a reasonable idea of what they can expect.
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8 years ago
Here's a good alternative question.........what does it cost NOT to go motorhoming.
Think about it.

We get withdrawal symptoms if we've not been on tour in our MH after a couple of months.
The places we wouldn't have seen, the people we wouldn't have met, the adventures we wouldn't have had, the expanded attitudes and horizons that we wouldn't have had the chance to understand, all over mainland Europe, would have costs us a fortune as humans, as people.

We've got about 15 GOOD summers left. I do not intend to waste them sitting in a tiny semi, whilst daytime TV dribbles down my front, on some small rule-ridden, expensive, small-thinking rainswept little island when there is the whole world to see before we shuffle off.
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