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  Sunday, 13 October 2013
  2 Replies
  3.1K Visits
Hi to you all.
As just one of a few, in that there are not thousands of us in the club I get annoyed that a request for information covering various subjects but in the main routes or 'best way' are put up on the web and the poster when not getting any replies, makes comments such as 'Ive given up waiting for replies'.
Not every one knows the in and outs of the Motor home world, its cheapest routes and best pitch for free. Plus not every one has covered the route or area knowledge required by the person wanting an answer.
We are hopefully a group of folk that enjoy what we do and where we go, if we can give aid or snippets of info we have collected on to others so much the better. But to some how feel that one SHOULD receive or be given an ANSWER I believe a little selfish.
No I'm not a M.O.G I'm a member who enjoys the road when he gets the chance. With a tool box under the floor if some one needs a hand.
Regards and safe journeys.
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8 years ago
Understand what you are saying,but it is disappointing when know one replies,This seems to happen many times on this site ,which I must say is a GREAT site,abuse is rarely seen.
But the post I submitted on Tolls in Switzerland had 126 views until yesterday had nil answers,Also posted on MMM had 412 views 23 replies ,and the replies mainly had good info on them, which is why we join a Forum surly ,to contact like minded people and share info.
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