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  Friday, 23 August 2013
  13 Replies
  7.1K Visits
does anyone know of a travel insurance company that will insure a heart attack victim,
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8 years ago
If you have home insurance, have check what it covers. mine cover almost everything.
8 years ago
Re House Insurance

I have been with the same Insurer for about 15 years because they were supposed to give a good deal to the over 55s and allow you to be absent from your house for 60 days. The Insurance was always renewed automatically and the payment for the year taken by direct debit from the bank i.e. one single payment.

This year, some bright spark in the hierarchy of the broker decided that everyone must sign an EU regulated credit agreement and return it to the Company (no return envelope provided) even though I normally pay the whole invoice in one payment. In my case as the payment was to be one, for the year, the Interest given was 0% with 0% APR. I was outraged by this and immediately cancelled the renewal. The agent who dealt with me indicated that I was not alone in taking this position. When I asked why they were doing this, the agent advised that it was a Insurance regulator requirement. It is not of course and I when I challenged this statement, I was told that that is what they were instructed to say.

Seeing the Caravan Club advertisement in their magazine where one is advised that you can be away for 3 months touring, I decided to get a quote from them, which turned out to be very reasonable and about £60/- cheaper than my previous renewal quote. I decided to accept that and was amused to discover that the Caravan Club Broker was using the same Insurance Company that was being used by my previous Broker.

As soon as I paid the money I received the new Policy Document and my individual Policy. Nowhere could I find any reference to this 90 days that I could be absent from the house. It stated that I could be away for only 30 days. It pays to read the small print!

I contacted the Caravan Club Broker immediately via Email and received the response that they had sent the wrong schedule to me and attached a revised correct schedule which included the 90 day clause.

My old Dad always used to say that a Bookie was an honest man compared to an Insurance Company, as a Bookie did not normally welsh on his bets. As the original documents formed the basis of the Contract with the Insurance Company, I wouldn't mind betting that they would have held me to the 30 day clause if I had gone over that time and needed to make a claim.

The point of this long ramble is don't assume you are getting what is advertised - Check the small print!


Be happy and respect others!

8 years ago
I have leukaemia (and other issues). We found this lot were prepared to cover us annually, Worldwide ex North America and Carribean. Not particularly cheap but with pre existing medical conditions many refuse to quote at all!

.... and whatever you do don't rely on your Bank's "Free Travel Insurance for customers". We found it useless (Nationwide). Not prepared to consider pre existing medical conditions unless they were minor
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