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  Saturday, 22 June 2013
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Speaking as someone who left school and started work at 15, I find it sits a little uncomfortable that the law is being applied selectively to the young man sent to prison for his relationship with a 15 year old.
In true old man fashion, I look back at my era and am aware that we were all very naive in matters of relationships with each other and maybe there was a case to be made for a law to protect the innocence of 15yr olds.
But today when most of us can look round friends and families and see under 16s having children and not being even taken to court.
Well you see where I think the unfairness arises.
To be fair, as well they have been sensible enough to take precautions or were maybe just lucky.
The 15 going on 25yr old and her mother, well they just get to make money from the newspaper stories. She it seems is blameless for what happened.

Has freedom to travel

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