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  Friday, 17 May 2013
  1 Replies
  2.4K Visits
Hi All
Can anyone help with hints on what a couple of cyclists and hikers in 55-65 age group from Australia should be looking for in a motorhome for an extended holiday in Europe? We will buy mountain bikes suitable for both on and off road with the view to doing quite a few passes. We are also pretty keen to do some strenuous hiking. Maybe, if we stay on for some snow, some x-country skiing or snow shoeing! So a garage beneath for our gear would be essential.
Any hints would be appreciated!
Trevor and Adele
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8 years ago
G'day Trevor and Adele.

If you're thinking of camping in the colder weather in Europe, you'll need a van which is well insulated. Hi-top panel vans as per Apollo in Oz won't do the job. Not enough gas storage and not usually insulated enough. A van with double floor has good storage for skis etc and is usually heated in the interfloor space, quite often with an Alde or Webasto diesel heating system. Coach built is the way to go.
Hymer , Burstner are well insulated and have good payloads. Rapido tend to have a poor payload. Make sure you get an engine which is a turbo-diesel. Older diesels, non-turbo, tend to struggle on long hills.

Also depends on whether you want a RH or LH drive. Although it's my own opinion, if you're planning on visiting Britain, I prefer RH drive. It's easier in Britain and and the continent. Others prefer LH drive for Europe if the majority of time is spent there.

Others will hopefully give you additional info on brands and their own experience.

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