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  Tuesday, 25 September 2012
  2 Replies
  2K Visits
:welcome1: Hi all
We will be traveling from Santander to Almafre (next to Benidorm)in jan 2013 and cannot workout wich way to go, Looking at the map it looks as if the road 623 to Burgos seems the way but i maybe wrong if you have been this way or you cane put me on the right road that would be great,If you are going that way maybe we can travel down together?
Thanks John Bren
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8 years ago
Hi John Bren,

Apologies for the slow reply but whilst on the road I didn't fancy typing it all out on a Kindle :roll: but we're on proper wifi now so....

Depending on how long you want to take on that part of your trip I would head for Pamplona and then onto the new A21 Autovia towards Huesca, you'll get diverted off it a couple of times as sections are still under construction. But its still a good route and free of tolls.

If you do go to Huesca then I'd recommend . Time it at a weekend and at that time of year they only charge 10€ per night including EHU and wifi. Whilst there I'd also recommend a 'cooks night off' and use their restaurant Entrecote at 11€ (cooked over burning embers behind a glass screen that you can watch) and a bottle of house red at 3.50€ are a couple of their highlights :)

From Huesca you can pick up the recent free Autovia A23 towards and past Zaragoza and indeed all the way to Valencia. If you want to detour from this road then take the Alcaniz turn off and head for the fortified town of where there is an excellent free aire and free wifi from the town.

From there I'd head down to before finishing the trip to your destination.

Hope this gives you some help with your planning :thumbs: .

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