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  Friday, 08 June 2012
  2 Replies
  1.7K Visits
Our Fifi La-toure is a 1986 Renault Hymer Jet 1, which we bought with the little money we had left following my wife having a serious accident in 1996 and needing 6 operations to undo mistakes from the first. Since this lot started she has become housebound and suffered strokes and we decided we both needed to get away and relax. Since getting Fifi we have spent a lot of time and effort in getting road worthy and all appliances working so this year we hope will be a big year. Money is tight and although only 2litre diesel we tend to travel short distances and stop 3 or so nights. We prefer parking in quite areas and occassionaly find a friendly pub but we love the freedom and the friendliness of all the other motorhomes. We are setting of from South Wales next week to visit family in Huddersfield before moving on to Northumberland and possibly Scotland before returning via the lake district. I would welcome any suggestions for stop off points especially places of interest with disabled access and sat nav directions as map reading has never been my navigators strong point.
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8 years ago
Hi Howard

A very warm welcome to this friendly forum.

Because you more or less know your planned route and because you need disabled access it may be best if you arrange the majority of your stopovers before you set off.

There are plenty of pub stopovers on this site and because you are only thinking of stopping upto 3 nights and like peace and quiet - have your considered the CL or CS networks. For some of these you dont always have to be a member of the Club.

We have stayed at a campsite called Proctors Stead near Craister, Northumberland which is level and near to two pubs and I believe it has disabled access. Its near to Seahouses and Alnick Castle. Hope this helps.

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