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  Tuesday, 01 October 2019
  7 Replies
  4.4K Visits
We went on a Cruise out of Southampton a couple of weeks ago and as we came down the Solent and turn right we saw what we now know as Calshot Beach with a load of Motorhomes on it. What is the story with this location, is it a proper MH stop over, can you overnight there has anyone spent time down there, is their a charge?
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5 years ago
Yes huge charges.
It's owned by Hampshire council but it's members of Calshot camping club only.
You need to pay to go on a waiting list
Then pay a membership fee each year and pay to stay each time.

There are loads of rules too, from memory you must book at least 6 weeks in advance and stay a minimum of 3 nights.

I decided it was too regimented and too expensive for me.
I think it was £28 ish a night for us to stay.
Then £14 to launch the boat & £6 to store the boat overnight etc, which soon adds up.

Last time I launched my boat there, we stayed 2 miles up the road in a layby.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

5 years ago
Many thanks Tom, I think another cruise might be cheaper theN:D
5 years ago
Some people love it there and if it does it for them, that's great. I can see why they like it.

I think in the rules I read that bookings cancelled after a number of weeks before etc are not eligible for a refund and things like that.

I don't know what I'm doing until I do it, do planning ahead often doesn't work for us.

Shame it's not an aire style facility, I would use it regularly of it was.

Have you heard of Riverside holidays on the river Hamble?

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

5 years ago
Thanks Tom, No I haven't heard of them I will take a look.
5 years ago
It's a campsite and to be fair it's a fair walk away from anywhere, but it's right next to and owned buy Mercury yacht harbour marina on the Hamble.
We went in August and the site was only about half full, even in the school holidays.
I put the boat in the marina for the week and we used the boat like a car, going all over the place.

Also I just remembered, the Jolly sailor pub in Ashlett Creek, just before Calshot, it's a basic pub but Mark the landlord has a camper and welcomes club motorhome members overnight.
Lots of nice walks, one goes all the way to Calshot.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

5 years ago
Many thanks Tom that's one for next year!
5 years ago
I went there back a few months ago, you can park up overnight outside the barrier on the left hand piece of waste ground, room for around 5 vans, there were three that had been there overnight, and all said they had never had a problem.
Agree with Tom1 to many rules on the campsite and also told there was a 2yr waiting list.
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