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  Monday, 16 July 2018
  15 Replies
  6.1K Visits
Hello folks...
New to the motor home and clubmotorhome but a pair of caravan veterans so looking forward to our new adventures, advice and support from fellow campers.

We have taken on Ness, tbh we knew we had our work cut out as we have always taken on unloved and abused projects and given them another chance but this by far our biggest challenge.

As hubby is a caravan engineer we knew what to look for which has been the most valuable part of purchasing this old lady but when we got her home (flat bed due to her poor condition) we were not only surprised but horrified at what we found! Sold as a sturdy project which had been damp repaired... how dangerous some people can be with power tools and a small amount of knowledge :( ... I do believe that the story behind Ness will eventually be told...

Anyway in 5 very short weeks she has passed her MOT, had all damp removed, re-panelled, resealed, reupholstered, electric & gas safety checks and she is now waiting to take us all on our summer adventure into europe! :D :D :D

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6 years ago
Hi there
Well done on taking on such a project and progressing so well.
I too like a project but I'm not brave enough to take on anything like Ness but I'm a wimp!

Hopefully you will realise how great the difference between a caravan and motorhome can be, so much more freedom and fun with Ness.

When are you aiming to go to Europe, we are going over this weekend, to the rain in France, it seems :o

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
Cheers for the support and thanks for the welcome, honestly it is worth having a go if you have the time and patience... fortunately we have some skills between us that has made the project a little less daunting but I would recommend to anyone with a very low budget or those who fancy a challenge...

We are aiming to start travelling next week as we are restricted to the dreaded school calendar... we took our first European road trip last year UK to the south of Spain with 2 kids, this year we have an additional passenger so we are slightly more restricted to our length of travel too... All because the uni student has a summer dig to attend :( :( :D :D oh the sacrifices parents make... :) :)

Fingers crossed that any rain forecast for France misses your route through the countryside however it would be nice to see a little rain... if only for the sake of the gardens :D
6 years ago
My kids are still at primary school, so we a tied to the school holidays too.
I have 4 weeks off work, so we will see where we end up during that time.
We are going to see my in laws on the edge of Brittany first, just where the weather says the low pressure will be, which will be just my luck. ;)
From then on I dont know, onwards and downwards I guess!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
Love to see the finished pictures last one I did guy done his own brakes servicing and electrics suprised it stopeihow never been on fire never no people should leave it be if don't no what there doing he also done cambelt on it so had look at that was so slack couldn't believe my eyes I'm mechanic MOT test by trade but also done a lot motioned and campers glad your ready to roll
6 years ago
The joker we purchased Ness off said no damp... he was right the wood that could rot had rotted!!

In addition the firm wall that he bragged about was an overboard of the original 4mm ply with... wait for it... 12mm ply attached by screws from the outside skin of the camper which was disguised with magnolia masonry paint which he was so proud of!! As for the electrics, the 240v was an unearthed spur and a lack of a 12volt electrical system as they had literally cut wires to the zig unit and removed them for some bizarre reason.

it did have a 240 light though which had been connected using caravan wire directly to the RCD unit!! Oh the joys and the surprises we find. However we love a challenge and being able to use our skills so with the other half being quiet on the work front I get to have my new toy pampered by someone who knows what they are doing lol :D :D Pity the other half doesn't always agree with me :p :p

We have taken so many before, during and after photos I will add a few when we travel but here is a few during the refit. We are just hoping that we have done our Ness proud after-all original charm is one of the reasons we bought her. :D :D a5091bb2-5ccb-4e49-b2b1-895f58f142bd.JPG IMG_1567.JPG [attachment]IMG_1508.JPG[/attachment] IMG_1509.JPG
6 years ago
Lol sounds like went to same school as bodge as one I bought never forget plugging it into mains in my garage herd massive bang blew all Lecky in workshop biggest spark shot out charger wires was bare all touching split charger relay was shorting out wich why alternator was shot ripped lot out started again even pulled dash out rewired van as he been behind there too shouldn't laugh but do wonder how people don't kill them self's can't wait see the end result
6 years ago
Well me and hubby both have mechanical background so all the mechanical work has been taken on by us, we are very conscientious when it comes to vehicles and taking the kids in them, we have loved our land rovers and rebuilt a couple of engines on camping fields before now and don't shy away... maybe because were mad really! :D My little brother started his working life as a motor electrician so I tend to get him round to sort the electrics out but hubby is a whizz at the motor-home/caravan side of the business (trained in all aspects of caravan work) so in all we are very very lucky.

The countdown is on now until we roll, we are trying to sort out some EU breakdown cover but finding it very difficult due to Ness being an old gal. It would appear that the older ladies are just not what the breakdown teams want to take on. Odd really as the older engines are so easy to diagnose and repair unlike the on-board computers the modern ones carry. I still think that we will take our own little supply of radweld, leads, belts and the like to sort ourselves out if needed. :D :D Looking forward to seeing Ness out and about...
6 years ago
Hadack think it's called freinds uses meant be good get mine on my insurance net can't wait
Hadack think it's called freinds uses meant be good get mine on my insurance net can't wait

Link to it here

You'll need a browser that translates for you though as its all in German (unless you know the language of course :) )

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
Cheers, I think its ADAC the german auto club. I have seen a mixed dialogue about them and we (or should I say 'I') are looking to discuss our needs with them. Looks like they went through a policy change where by they looked to block non german residents joining but I will be phoning them first thing tomorrow.

Another name I have come across is ACE, another Germany based breakdown provider, both are at least 1/2 the cost that our good old UK providers charge, as the UK companies aim to provide cover to the newer vans we thought that the euro competitors are the way to go. I will of course let you know how I get on. ;)

The amount of uk companies who say they offer classic motorhome breakdown service but use terms and conditions that could invalidate the cover is certainly one to be aware of. Clauses such as age, length and weight by the company would suggest you have the cover but looking in detail to who they subcontract with and reading their terms I have found that many would not assist us in a breakdown. :)
6 years ago
Following a few teething problems we finally reached Dover early hours Thursday morning and have been gradually heading down south and we are now currently enjoying the Spanish sunshine!! :D :D

So far we have had a lovely journey down and met a fellow 'Ole Girl' owner who was over the moon at meeting another old' un lover... so much so he took many photos as he thought he wouldn't see one as old (or in our case older) motorhome!

6 years ago
Here are a couple of photos of our Nessy, as you can see we are in and in full swing of making the most of her x :D IMG_3221.JPG IMG_3260.JPG IMG_3690.JPG IMG_3692.JPG
6 years ago
Glad your having fun.
We gave up heading heading south because it was hot enough especially at night.
On the beach in the vendee now and it's just about right.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago

The heat has been incredible and set to get warmer in the mountains! We have just hit the end just south of Barcelona. We attempted negotiating the outskirts looking for a train station to visit but gave up as a motor home is not accommodated in the car parks
6 years ago
I got told to go home by a policeman near Barcelona when I asked where we could stay.
Not been to Spain since!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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