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  Saturday, 29 July 2017
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  3.7K Visits
This is the content of the Club Motorhome newsletter sent out today :)

Just a very quick newsletter update for you as I hope you'll be out and about and busy where possible at this time of year.

Aires of videos and other motorhome stopovers

Club Motorhome has almost 500 videos on it's YouTube Channel - The Club Motorhome website itself has a lot more than that because it includes videos by other motorhomers as well, with their permission of course.

These videos give a realistic impression of what a stopover is actually like. The vast majority are of the actual (onsite) locations rather than just the roads leading up to them.

If you are planning your travels and would like to see what these facilities are like you can see where all the videos are on a map here - Club Motorhome Stopovers with Video

As far as we're aware no other motorhome resource has this much information available in one place - please feel free to make use of it.

FREE eBooks of motorhome stopovers

Some of you may have noticed that gremlins got into our last newsletter and the link to the free sample download was incorrect....

These motorhome stopover eBooks are exclusively produced for use by Club Motorhome members.

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Club Motorhome Forums

There are so many ways that members can communicate on Club Motorhome that its easy to get confused with the best ways to join in.

With this is mind I've added a couple of menu options under 'Forums'...

Firstly (so long as you are logged in) you can go straight to post a new topic. You can keep tabs on previous topics you've posted and you can also go straight to a list of topics that you have subscribed to previously. See the screenshot...

The Motorhome Social Network - Club Motorhome (6).png

Forum posting is easy and it is THE best place to ask your motorhome related questions - we have lots of knowledgeable and helpful members who will be only too pleased to help if they can.

Forum topics remain visible much longer than say, the Activity timeline, and can be found easily by using the site search facility at a later date.

What else can you do on the Club Motorhome website?

There are lots of things that members can do to personalise their membership input and we have a list of the main ones to help members get a feel for the site. The list is a great starting place!

Club Motorhome Members' Input

As promised this is just a quick update so whatever you are doing we hope you're doing something that involves motorhomes and enjoying the summer.

Lastly, as part of the website housekeeping I'm culling old expired members and those that haven't logged in for yonks. So if you haven't been there for a while please do come and login to confirm your current interest in being part of Club Motorhome.

Happy Travels,

NEILMAC & caromac

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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