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  Monday, 24 April 2017
  14 Replies
  7.3K Visits
Just joined and hope I have found a forum that is really for camping carists (as we are labelled in France) and not being driven by commercial or other objectives.

Nearly retired and own our second camping car. First one subject to home jacking! Do lots of travelling in France and other parts of Europe. If anyone wants advice, please contact me.

I look forward to participating and being confident to upgrade!
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7 years ago
Paris was a long, long time ago, 80's till 92. Now we live ..... well .... wherever we park it. The van is home till we feel the need or desire to have a fixed abode again, that day could be a long time off.... we will be heading up the west coast end July

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

7 years ago

nice to greet fellow francophiles. livng in Paris for 13 years but where now?
7 years ago
Hi Plym

sorry for delay beut been on the road for a few weeks in Southern France. the Fougon 'camper van) got hot in the heat wave but lucky we were near a beach!

in answer to your questions, we started out with a Burstner IXEO Time 590 (2016 model) caming car (motorhome). square thing on a fiat ducato chassis and very comfortable. we had that for 9 months before it was home-jacked by a profgessional gang last September. while we enjoyed the experience, it was a little too squre and wide for us as it was difficult to manouvre in villages and difficult to park in streets at night.

after insurance finally paid up, we ended up compromising on space and buying a Rapido V55 camper van. while we have no nice pictures yet (too busy travelling i suppose!), it is great to travel in, drive through all sorts of roads etc and much easier to find paring spaces given it now fits width wise in most parking pays and is along the side of streets.

theefore, we did not upgrade or down grade but more side graded!
7 years ago
Hi from another couple of francophiles, I lived in Paris for 13 years and we have also done a fair amount of touring here. You have joined the right site!

"Vive la France, le paradis du campingcar "

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

7 years ago
Hi! Welcome!
Greetings from another new member. :)
What's your camping car now? Any photos to boast of?
I'd like to know your thoughts concerning the upgrading of the motorhome. If someone buys a used one, what to check first?
7 years ago

You should take the time to visit Northern France. Lille is a lovely old town in Flemish style and lots to see. The people are veery welcoming as well.

Know the feeling on increasing crime. it is a worry but then, insurance has to take the strain. However, it is the sense of invasion that takes time to get over!

I doubt my father in law has insurance, that costs money!
Over the years we have spent a fair amount of time in France, but I love the coast, so we always end up heading west and I love being there.
But alas at the moment it isn't much of an option, my wife would not go last year and doesn't show any interest so far this year.
But I'm working on her :p

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago

You should take the time to visit Northern France. Lille is a lovely old town in Flemish style and lots to see. The people are veery welcoming as well.

Know the feeling on increasing crime. it is a worry but then, insurance has to take the strain. However, it is the sense of invasion that takes time to get over!
7 years ago
We have spent quite a lot of time down in the Vendee area. Don't think I have ever been to Lille.
My in laws are selling up though after 22 years apparently things keep getting stolen out the shed etc.
Shame its happening everywhere these days :o

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
Neilmac, maja17,
Thanks for responses and I am liking this site and community already!
Busy trying to resist urge to go away so much in camping car as TLC on house suffers!
Vendee is a lovely area of France but then, there are so many lovely areas of France!
7 years ago
Thanks for getting. I live in Lille in the north. Good for UK, Belgium, and all parts South.
7 years ago
Hi sister lives in the Vendee region....France is great as is this site...well worth the subscription to access all the content. Maja
7 years ago
Its a great site run by lovely people :o

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

Hi Bkw141 and welcome.

Club Motorhome was built and is run by enthusiastic motorhomers. We spend around half of each year in our motorhome researching stopovers and all of each year adding features and content.

I would say that we too qualify as camping carists :)

We are not a big company or organisation and do not try to sell books, accessories etc to members.

The commercial element is that a subscription payment is required to access all the website's content.

I hope you find the site interesting and useful.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

7 years ago
Hi and welcome.
Which part of France are you in? My in laws are near the Britany, Mayenne boarder. :D

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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