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  Friday, 14 October 2016
  1 Replies
  5.5K Visits
Just a quick explanation....

You'll have noticed that I have put some effort into the structure to create a 'social network' for our members (hopefully :) )

Well, as an extension of that I hope that various interest groups develop between the members. The way to do this is via 'Groups'.

Why have 'Groups'?

Groups give an area for likeminded folks to talk about other things than motorhome related stuff without clogging up the main conversational timeline. It means that people who aren't interested in a particular hobby/pastime/interest don't have to wade through comments on those subjects to see what they want to read up on or catch up with.

To demonstrate I have just set up a Motorcycle Appreciation Group for those members to join that have an interest. Comments made within this group should only be seen by its own members - hope that makes sense :)

Now ALL members are able to start their own groups.... perhaps Pets, Dogs, Photography etc etc which other like minded members can join. I've attached a couple of images of screenshots to show how easy it is to set one up.

Please go ahead and try it if you'd like. I can't guarantee folks will join but it'll be fun seeing how it goes....

When you set up a group you get various options about who can access it and you can upload suitable images for the heading of your group. You can invite @friends' that you have already made within the site too.

Any questions please ask and I'll try and help, but as its all very new I'm learning too :) :)

Oh, and if you are into bikes, big or small, join the group!

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
ooh, sounds a bit posh, I will have a go :D

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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