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  Tuesday, 01 May 2012
  233 Replies
  27.9K Visits
Having spoken to C7KEN about plans for next year following his recent successful meet in Spain we understand that he is unlikely to repeat the event. We feel that we would be unable to top the format of Ken and Jenny's fantastic event management. So, we are going to hold our own smaller informal meet in April 2013 with a view to showing members something of what Spain is best for. Be it Paella, Tapas, Mountains, Beaches, Sun, Sangria or Siesta to name just a few things this meet will include it.

The exact dates are yet to be confirmed but will avoid Easter. The meet will be for 4/5 days at a campsite we know in a rural location south of Valencia and then about 10 days at the superb Aire at Calpe on the Mediterranean coast.

The campsite for the first stop is just outside the village of Rugat and will give our attendees a true taste of 'Real' Spain. Walkers will be able to enjoy some spectacular walks straight from the site, caromac and I will be able to guide you through some of the delights of this area which has an abundance of olive and orange groves, numerous orchards, mountain tracks and even an historic ruined castle to visit. For those less energetic there is a great onsite bar restaurant to unwind from your travels :).

At this location we will be arranging a superb menu-del-dia at one of the finest restaurants in the area.... and we'll be on hand to help with translation and your orders. This is really a true taste of Spain - as a contrast to the following week! :)

Attendees of the 2012 meet will confirm the excellent location of the Calpe Aire for the 2nd part of this trip and we have some plans to eat at a restaurant that, in our opinion, serves the best paella you could hope for! Together with many tapas bars, superb beaches and restaurants this is a great place to relax and soak up the atmosphere of an pretty unspoilt Spanish resort.

The Aire at Calpe has agreed that we can have enough space, subject to giving exact dates, and we're waiting on confirmation from the campsite.

We're only in the early stages of planning so will advise of more detail as time goes on (it is a whole year away) but numbers will be limited. There will be a maximum of 12 vans accepted for the meet and it is for Club Motorhome subscribers only. So please let us know, by email or by posting on this thread, if you would like to attend.

[color=#ff0000]Attendees List[/color]

Just to keep track of attendees and so that all can see who will be at the meet I will keep this list updated as and when there are changes :) .




Contact me ASAP if you are considering attending this meet and haven't added your name yet.

If I've left you out or you want to move from 'Possibles' to 'Definites' please let me know and if we oversubscribe this far ahead of the meet I will start a reserve list in case anyone drops out for any reason :thumbs:

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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Has anyone had any confirmation from either Ruben,Lewis or Jose that our deposits have been received?

Has freedom to travel

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