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  Monday, 25 April 2016
  12 Replies
  6.6K Visits
I'm going to put together a travel checklist of all the things that are important to have onboard before setting off on a trip.

It'll be in the download section of Club Motorhome for members use.

So, I thought who better to ask than you lot for the things that should be on it B)

Over to you....

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
I'm going to put together a travel checklist of all the things that are important to have onboard before setting off on a trip.

It'll be in the download section of Club Motorhome for members use.

So, I thought who better to ask than you lot for the things that should be on it B)

Over to you....

I have started to gather information for my list. Here is what I've got so far.
Hope it's of some use

Best regards


Voltage Meter
Fan belt
Gaffer tape
Cable ties
kitchen bits (crockery, cutlery, pans, grater, utensils, roasting pans, bowls
all bathroom stuff right down to toothbrushes.
flat roll up food grade hose,
power lead on wind up reel
watering can,
toilet fluids,
purclean tabs for clean water tank,
awning carpet, awning
torches, boxes for dirty shoes
collapsible laundry basket
chairs, small fold up lightweight tables
12v Hoover
dust pan & brush, broom, bucket with cloths & van cleaner
A reel to hold the electric hook up cable.
A reversing camera or bleepers
spare fuses
spanner to change gas bottles
levelling ramps
Have an ongoing check list for things to do before driving off. ie close all cupboards, shut gas, raise step and all other things peculiar to your motorhome
Don't forget to remove the grill pan it can be very annoying when it rattles
Get some rubber anti-slip mat from the Poundshop to put around everything.
Powder fire extinguisher
First aid kit
Bedding for the van
Kettle. Cutlery
A descent knife for food prep
Lightweight saucepans
Good quality frying pan
Tea towels, they come in handy for rattle elimination
12 volt or car chargers for phones, laptops, tablets, cameras etc.
Ramoska cooker
X hose
Also try Amazon Water tank connector ......
Euro socket adapter .....
Usb charger 2 of these one up front and one in the back ..
Fire blanket;psc=1
240 v extension.....with usb outlets .
U.K. Socket adapter .....
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