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  Saturday, 30 January 2016
  15 Replies
  4.8K Visits
My Hymer motorhome is built on a 2001 Ducato 2.8 jtd chasis. When driving on bumpy roads the engine goes into "limp mode" and the red injector warning light on the instrument panel comes on. After a few seconds of smooth road the engine resumes normal operation and the red light goes out.
I have had the van into 4 Fiat main dealers and specialists, none of whom can fix the problem. They have to use an adaptor to connect the 3 pin diagnostic plug to their 16 pin machines and the error codes given are not specific enough to pin point the intermittant problem.
To date the following measures have been taken:
1) wiring connections on the accelerator pedal circuit have been checked
2) new accelerator pedal assembly has been fitted
3) wiring and plugs to the fuel injectors checked for loose connections (apparenty wires to the injectors are a bit on the short side for this model)
4) fuel cut-off valve checked.
5) fuel tank breather vent checked
Fuel blockages do not appear to be the problem as the engine never completly stops.
If "limp mode" comes on when the accelerator pedal is not being pressed (e.g when approaching a roundabout) no amount of pressure on the accelerator will rev-up the engine - it just comes out of limp mode after a few seconds on its own accord.
One Fiat dealer suggested that there may be a faultly soldered joint in the ECU so a new one was fitted but still the problem persists

Another Fiat dealer suggested a new wiring loom may cure the problem but I do not want to spend £800 on something that may not cure the issue.

Has anyone any suggestions please?
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