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  Saturday, 21 November 2015
  30 Replies
  6.6K Visits
Hi all, as some know I have had the bright idea of organising some informal spots to meet up a few times a year, so those of us who want to can meet each other and be a bit nosey at each others vans!

Here is the provisional ideas for 2016, but they are by no means set in stone.

1. Saturday the 16th of January. Turfcutters arms in the New Forest (already confirmed as ok by the landlord)
2. Saturday the 2nd of April. Praa Sands, Cornwall.
3. Saturday the 14th of August, Inn on the beach, Hayling Island, Hants.
4. October half term The Victory at Mersea, Essex.

Also we are planning a visit to Warwick castle and a seperate trip to see the Severn Bore come in, possibly in April when the next 'high' wave is predicted, but don't know dates yet but will stay locally in one of the club motorhome pubs nearby, so will make these a meet up too.

I am also going to West Wales either Whitsun week or in August, so if anybody is thinking of doing the same, we could organise something that way too

What are the thoughts on this so far?

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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8 years ago
That's terrible Mid, you have let us all down, so upset!! :(

You are expected at one of the other meets now!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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