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  Tuesday, 17 November 2015
  3 Replies
  5.2K Visits
Following a request from a member, this is a quick guide to saving or printing content items (articles) from the Club Motorhome website.

An article can be printed to paper or, more usefully, saved as a .pdf document to your computer or device to refer to when offline. The advantages of a .pdf document are that it is searchable for content and any links (hyperlinks) are still live which means that they can be clicked. When you ARE online these will lead to the actual content behind the relevant link.

As most of you already know we have downloadable .pdf files for our pub-type stopovers. These are basically compiled as combined .pdf files of many content items to make up a 'book' type document. But it has always been possible on Club Motorhome to download most of the article content individually if and as required.

In this example I'm showing the process of saving to your computer or device, just one or two items, as it's quite possible that you don't want big pre-mde downloads.

If you want to download just one county of pub-type stopovers you just go to the relevant page on the website and follow the process in the photographs....

A Pub-Type Stopover County Page

Click the 'Print' Icon

Save as PDF

This DOES NOT just apply to pub stopovers..... Say, for example, you want to do the same with a Spanish stopover. Then the process is the same - just go to the required website page and click the 'Print' icon.

Spanish Stopover Page (for example)

This printing/saving is a great feature of Club Motorhome and understandably can take some getting your head around :)

Hopefully this explains it a bit.

If any members have queries as to how to use functions on the website please do ask. It may be best to put your questions on the forums which will also then help others. By all means contact me direct but as we are very active motorhomers we are often on our travels and answering in detail can be delayed due to internet access etc.

Please also bear in mind that Club Motorhome content is subject to copyright and as such is available for members' use. So please don't distribute saved content to non members - thank you :thumbs:

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
Well I personally am not very 'technologically' literate, I have only had a smart phone for 4 months or so and almost everything I do on the laptop goes belly up. But that's just me.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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