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  Monday, 16 November 2015
  12 Replies
  6.4K Visits
Hi everyone,
Yes its me again, sorry my last idea for a meet up didn't happen.

However I have come to a decision recently I have not been using the van as often as I want, so I have come u with a cunning plan!

How does the idea of having a go at meeting up at a club motorhome spot for a night/weekend once every 2 or 3 months sound to everyone?

My initial idea will probably just start with me picking a place and letting you all know and see if anybody turns up!
I usually do like to go to the coast or water and I have ideas for meeting up in locations next to the water, for example the River Seven to see the Severn Bore etc.

The wife also wants to visit places like Warwick castle and all ideas from others are welcome always.

We do have young children 6 and 8 years old which I'm sure will put some people off at times but they wont always be with me. I also have kayaks on the roof, so I often go kayaking on my own.

Sorry to waffle on, would be good to hear any thoughts from you as I like to meet and chat to others!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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8 years ago
Hiya Tom, it's a great idea and thanks for running with it :thumbs:

I think it will work best if you do as you've suggested and plan somewhere that you want to go yourself, hopefully the idea and location will then appeal to others. If we are anywhere near at the time, or at least in the UK, we would love to meet up :woohoo:

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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