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  Thursday, 05 November 2015
  2 Replies
  4.8K Visits
It is grey and raining today here in Blighty so I started looking through some pictures from past trips to cheer myself up.

Now I know Mrs Admin wants to know what food and recipes we have on the go. Well, we love fish, not the stuff you get in a box or polystyrene tray but the proper stuff. So when we are out and about near the coast in the MH we are always on the lookout for fishing boats or quayside fish sellers.
Nothing is wasted as we always make soup with the head and the bits, My lovely daughter in-law is from Taiwan and when she is with us she always have the eyes, Of course we all suck the juice out of the prawn heads!!


The cod came of a boat in Norway and the Crab from Berwick , Lobster, and Prawns from Cornish a fish stall.

What do you cook?

Spinner :ohmy:


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8 years ago
Hi Spinner and thanks.

Fish eyes and prawn head sucking are perhaps no to everyone's taste but your love of fish is something that neilmac shares, although I am a little more fish fussy preferring it without shell or bones. We are hoping for something nice when we get to Altura tomorrow. Fish isn't on the menu much as due to being on aires mostly we cannot cook outside, although we have had sardines, tuna, and salmon along the way,

Recipes are always welcome. We tend to have mostly one pot, stuff but do enjoy the occasional meat in sauce and veg. One of our faves is pork in picallili with mash.

You got me also to thinking of the more unusual foods that people enjoy and wonder if anyone knows what is done with chicken feet and yucca plant often seen in Iberian supermarkets.

Thai minced chicken and green beans will do for us tonight. Yummy
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