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  Thursday, 29 October 2015
  3 Replies
  5.3K Visits
Thinking of going for some skiing again with the Motorhome, probably in late Feb. Maybe Pyrenees or Alps, depending on snow conditions of course.
Do any other members ski and take their MH?



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7 years ago
Well that is a disappointment, I thought I would get some info as I would like to go cross country skiing in France, Germany next year, How did you get on spinner have you any advice or anyone else for that matter.
7 years ago
Hello Rodders

Yes been skiing a few times. We not the sort that throws ourselves off of mountains, we just enjoy the snow particularly like walking and cross country, smaller places where the tour operators don't go. A couple of places to look at

Cauterets in the Pyrenees and La Bresse in the Vosges. Of course it's all down to the snow conditions at the time.

7 years ago
Spinner that's brilliant thank you, I had a yen to take up cross country skiing ( Langlauf - funny how names change) again and my wife fancies "a go" and became a little frustrated with a barrage of information so put a search on here and yours was the only one which came up but with the info supplied obviously the correct one, thanks also for the links. We've to Obernai a couple of times, the municipal is convenient as it's only 25 minutes walk to La gare Colmar or Strasbourg are within easy reach other places too provided there is a station :). Thanks again I can now research in a focused way e.g. equipment hire, aire or site etc.
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