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  Friday, 07 August 2015
  9 Replies
  5.7K Visits
In Hythe in the New Forest national park is a beautiful spot where you can stop overnight for nothing without being disturbed by any authorities. I know this as fact as I am a taxi driver in Hythe. Have been here for twenty years. Head for SHORE ROAD. It starts at one end by 'SEADOWN VETS' as Frost Lane. From there just follow the road (past my house), over the level crossing and 400 metres on is a gravelled area pull in. The view which you will already have seen by now is one of The Solent estuary and gateway to Southampton, home of The Queens. The ship type! Dozens of small craft and the IOW redjet ferries sail by regularly. If you are lucky enough to catch one of the super liners you feel like you could touch them. Well worth a visit as Hythe itself is a beautiful place. Want to go a bit up market? Go to Hythe Marina for a meal at The Boat House. No it isn't that bad actually, just no rubbish served up. Catch a ferry to Southampton for a 15 minute jaunt, again maybe REALLY up close to one of the docked liners. Oldest working pier train in the world about sums this up.
Now then, although I have given the go ahead and assured you all of a 'freebie' things do change and happen unheard to a humble taxi driver. We do hear all the local gossip but as far as this place goes there is no known change for the past twenty years. Just don't get the awnings and picnic gear out. Our local 'Bobby' is a nice chap as well so if on a blue moon you were disturbed you would only be politely asked to move on. Give it a go, it's a great area for so much fun and lovely villages.
Good Luck
It is a 'deep' gravel area so even the largest of 'vans' can park facing the sea.
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8 years ago
Just followed your directions on Google StreetView and it looks a nice spot for a crafty overnight.

Thanks for passing it in and hopefully it will be handy for someone :thumbs:

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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