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  Saturday, 01 August 2015
  5 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Hello I am very new to this , I live in Australia and come over to Europe once a year to visit family ,my question is am I better of storing my motorhome in England or in France where we also spend a lot of time. I would be very grateful for any advice many thanks . :unsure:
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8 years ago
:welcome4: The question that will settle where to store either here with us 'poms' (its ok my family are living upside down in your area of this planet) or over on the 'the' side, is in which country is the motor home registered? As EU regulations only allow a vehicle to be 'resident' in another EU State for a maximum of 6 months. So if its got UK plates you will need to park up over here, otherwise you will have to re-register. Also most insurance companies will also limit the time allowed. Hence some long term travelers, just need to nip over a border on a long stay to keep within the allotted time period. You said that you spent time in France with your family, so if you do have UK plates, it may pay to re-register in France. Also where do you come into from AUS? UK-Holland-or France?. Might make a difference in time and costs in collecting your motor home.
So which ever, when ever, where ever and what ever you do, I hope you find the answer.
Safe journey's.
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