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  Tuesday, 13 May 2014
  12 Replies
  5.5K Visits
I don't know if I've missed it but I'm just thinking it would be good to have a list of places to stop and provision and fill up with diesel when travelling from one site to another - especially if you have a fairly large motorhome that once you get to a site you don't want to take it out again.

I searched for such a place on our travel up to Scotland and found an ASDA 24 Superstore just off jct 44 on the M6 which we used to buy food, wine and diesel - and we will do the same on our way across to Teesside in a couple of days. We had no trouble parking our Bessacarr 560 here, and I'm just thinking this sort of information would be useful to keep in a list for other users of this site.

What do you think?
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8 years ago
Just to point out the issues with using SatNav POI's (points of interest). We gave this a go on our return journey down south from Scotland.

We were on our way from Barnard Castle to Leaming Spa and decided to stock up on a few things. We'd stopped at the services for the dog and a break and then checked the Sat Nav for the nearest Asda so we could get a few provisions we wanted.

We actually checked for an Asda with a petrol station as we wanted a big one so we could park our 7 metre long Bessacarr motorhome easily, and found one 3 miles away. Things looked good as we were heading for an industrial estate, saw Homebase, Lidl etc, then it turned out that the Asda was a a mile away down narrow streets and had 3 separate small car parks around it which we couldn't fit into even though it was a large store. There were yellow lines on all the roads and we ended up in the 'air and water' bay of the Asda petrol station while my husband quickly popped into the store and back again before anyone was able to tell us to move!

We won't be doing that again! If only we had had a list of a store to avoid, and one that was good to park we would not have been in that situation. I don't think you can beat actual recommendations of people who use such stops rather than just a satnav destination.
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