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:unsure: H ave just got back from a 1100 mile trip down through Normandy and Brittany and came across the following that some may wish to think on.
On an aires in Brittany came across a couple 4 days into an eleven week round the coast trip. Who were naturally worried about the crack that had appeared in the screen bottom right drivers side.I advised them that it would be prudent to have it replaced via the insurance.Its then that the story starts.
They are with SAGA. AFTER 5.5HRS ON A MOBILE TRYING TO GET SOMEONE TO UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM, NOT FRENCH THE ENGLISH CALL HANDLER,they got some one who tried. They were put through to a screen company who said they could fit the screen, Boxer 2011, but only if they brought it to the workshop? Cost (sit tight) 1705 euros. Called UK SAGA over payment, only to be told, you pay it all then send us the bill??? Remember they are away for 11 weeks so cannot use credit card as they have no access to the account from France.. They ask why don't the company in France do the same as Autoglass in UK, JUST PAY THE EXCESS. Bombshell, SAGA ARE NOT PART OF THE EUROPEAN Autoglass system.But were told that it was legally ok to drive with a cracked laminated screen as long as it did not interfere withe the drivers vision.
So before you drive as I did thinking all was well on the other side. Check that your company has a replacement service that is with Autoglass Europe and who pays what.
regards kontki 645
On an aires in Brittany came across a couple 4 days into an eleven week round the coast trip. Who were naturally worried about the crack that had appeared in the screen bottom right drivers side.I advised them that it would be prudent to have it replaced via the insurance.Its then that the story starts.
They are with SAGA. AFTER 5.5HRS ON A MOBILE TRYING TO GET SOMEONE TO UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM, NOT FRENCH THE ENGLISH CALL HANDLER,they got some one who tried. They were put through to a screen company who said they could fit the screen, Boxer 2011, but only if they brought it to the workshop? Cost (sit tight) 1705 euros. Called UK SAGA over payment, only to be told, you pay it all then send us the bill??? Remember they are away for 11 weeks so cannot use credit card as they have no access to the account from France.. They ask why don't the company in France do the same as Autoglass in UK, JUST PAY THE EXCESS. Bombshell, SAGA ARE NOT PART OF THE EUROPEAN Autoglass system.But were told that it was legally ok to drive with a cracked laminated screen as long as it did not interfere withe the drivers vision.
So before you drive as I did thinking all was well on the other side. Check that your company has a replacement service that is with Autoglass Europe and who pays what.
regards kontki 645
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